Be the Light

Daily Prompt: Courage

Into the Light


Lots of things take courage …

It takes courage to face each day with a sunny disposition.

It takes courage to pursue our potential.

It takes courage to apologize when we’re in the wrong.

It takes courage to step out of our comfort zone and try something new.

It takes courage to pull ourselves out of a rut and choose a new road.

It takes courage to open our hearts ~ to allow love to flow in, and flow out.

It takes courage to open our minds to new healing ideas, and to shed harmful old ones.

It takes courage to be responsible for our actions.

It takes courage to stand up for our truth; for what we believe in.

It takes courage to shine in a world increasingly dark.

It takes courage to step out of the shadow and into the light.

It takes courage to be the light you are.

Take courage … and be that light.


Happy Thanksgiving …

Dorothy 🙂


©Dorothy Chiotti, Aimwell CreativeWorks 2013

More Courage

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Courage | The Magic Black Book
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